Brent Knoll Riding Club Rules
Riders must be a paid member of BKRC to attend any training. A booking form must be submitted to the organisers to attend a training event. By submitting the booking all riders are agreeing to abide by all BKRC rules
Unless otherwise stated training sessions shall be paid for by Cash, Cheque or BACS once booking is confirmed.
A refund will be made if cancellation notice is given with more than seven days notice prior to clinic
If 7 days or less notice is given refunds will be only be given if costs are covered with another booking
No refund given if cancelled with less than 24 hours notice (1 day) prior to training. N.B: Bookings which are made but payment is not received - The above still applies and payment will be asked for.
Any members owing money for cancellations will not be allowed to book in for future BKRC training until monies are paid. Members who do not pay for training and owe monies to the club will have their membership cancelled as per point 6 of the BKRC Constitution. They will also be reported to Area 12 and British Riding Clubs and may face further sanctions.
Safety rules
Horse riding is a risk sport and riders and horses participate at BKRC events entirely at their own risk. It is recommended by the organisers that all attendees have their own adequate insurance cover.
Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organiser or anyone for whom they are in law, responsible; neither the organiser of the events to which these rules apply, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, vehicles, contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever. The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For those measures to be effective, everyone must in turn take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and their officials and stewards.
People participating are expected to be tidy and not leave any mess. Car Parks must be left clean and tidy. You must clear up after your horse, hay and poo.
Hard hats must be worn when mounted and conform to at least the minimum standard with harness properly adjusted and fastened.
No fixed peaked hats should be used for any Cross Country training
Body Protectors and Medical Armbands are advised for Show Jumping incorporating the new whip and spur rule.
Body Protectors are compulsory for Cross Country. Body protectors must be in line with BRC guidelines
Riders must be competent enough to be able to control their horse or pony in a group environment. Any rider which the instructor deems to be unsafe and a risk to themselves, their horse or pony and any other participant will be asked to leave the training session. No lead rein riders will be allowed
Horses and Ponies must be of at least 4 years of age to attend a training event
Stallions are allowed at training events by prior arrangement with the organisers and must be bitted and competently handled/ridden by someone who is 14 years and over. If they misbehave they may be asked to leave the lesson. Stallion discs should be worn on bridles
Unsafe and unsound horses will be asked to leave the training event at the discretion of the instructor who is teaching
Riders and spectators at all training events should always behave appropriately. No riders or spectators shall behave in offensive or abusive or unpleasant manner to any person at BKRC event.
BKRC rights
BKRC retain the rights to refuse and remove any booking
BKRC retain the rights to cancel training days
Brent Knoll Riding Club Constitution
1. The Club shall be known as “Brent Knoll Riding Club”.
2. The objects of the Club shall be:
(a) to promote participation in and provide facilities for the amateur sport of riding in the local area;
(b) to encourage riding as a sport and recreation, to promote good fellowship amongst riders and to improve and maintain the standard of riding and horsemanship;
(c) to organise instructional meetings, lectures and competitive events and other activities to further the objects;
(d) to be affiliated to The British Horse Society and to support and co-operate with recognised organisations interested in the breeding and use of all breeds and types of horses and ponies; and
(e) to concern itself with any object which will benefit the horse and horse user in the district.
3. This shall consist of persons who have attained the age of 10th birthday (for junior members) and their 18th birthday (for seniors) on 1st January of the Club year and, having been accepted by the Committee, have paid the due subscription for the current period. Honorary membership may be conferred by the Committee upon any person deemed by them to have rendered notable service to the Club.
4. A member shall complete the application form as prescribed by the Committee. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. The committee may refuse membership only for good cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or the sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal may be made to the members. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
5. The annual subscription shall be payable on the first day of the Club’s financial year. Annual membership subscriptions become due on 1st January each year. New membership applications can be applied for in December, but membership will not be valid until 1st January. Any member whose subscription has not been paid will be ineligible for any Club activities.
6. The Committee may expel from membership of the Club any member who has breached any of the rules of the Club, or who has in the opinion of the Committee have been guilty of any conduct derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interest of the Club, provided that before expelling him or her the Committee shall allow the member to appeal the decision to the members and provide an explanation of his/her conduct and allow a proper opportunity of answering the allegations against him/her.
6a. Members who do not pay for training or owe monies to the club will not be able to attend or take part training, competitions or events that BKRC run until debts have been settled in full. If debts are not paid before the end of the membership year then memberships will not be allowed to be renewed and the member will be reported to Area 12, which then may lead to further sanctions.
7. The Committee
(a) All powers of management shall be vested in the Committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Safeguarding / Welfare Officer and other Committee members. Four (4) shall form a quorum.
(b) An Annual General Meeting will be held each year.
(c) The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Committee from amongst their number.
(d) The decision of the Committee shall be final unless over-ruled at a General Meeting.
(e) The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the rules and for anything relating to the club not provided therein and their decision shall be final and binding on the members.
(f) The Committee may formulate bye-laws for the detailed running of the Club and elect subcommittees for any special activities of the Club which the Committee may authorise.
(g) The Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy arising amongst members of the Committee, but any person so co-opted shall retain office only until the next following Annual General Meeting and then shall be eligible for re-election.
8. The financial year of the Club shall commence on the 1st January in each year.
9. The annual subscription shall be £30, or such other sum as shall from time to time be determined by the Committee. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
10. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in January of each year to transact the following business:
(a) to receive and if approved to adopt a Statement of the Club’s Accounts to the end of the preceding year;
(b) to fill vacancies on the Committee;
(c) to appoint an Auditor; and
(d) to deal with any special matter which the Committee may desire to bring to the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the Committee.
11. Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the members by email and by putting a notice on the club website not less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting. Emails giving notice of the Annual General Meeting shall specify the matters to be dealt with at such meeting.
12. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee, or by a request signed by not less than five (5) members specifying the business to be discussed. The Secretary shall give all members ten (10) days’ notice by email of the date of such a meeting and shall specify in such notice matters to be dealt with at the meeting.
13. The Accounts of the Club shall be audited or verified each year by the person appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting. Accounts must be audited or verified by an independent professional.
14. Notice may be given to any member by sending it by email to him/her at his/her address registered in the records of the Club. If any member has no email address such member shall not be entitled to receive any notice. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to or the non-receipt of a notice of a meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting.
15. Members shall be correctly and safely turned out at all Club events. Any protective clothing required by current British Riding Clubs rules must be worn. (See current BRC Rulebook).
16. All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the Club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.
17. In the event that dissolution of the Club shall occur, the assets of the Club shall be used first to discharge all liabilities of the Club and the remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in related community sports.