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Latest news from the club - message from the chair

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Dear Members,

Welcome to Brent Knolls final news round up of 2022. I hope you are all keeping well and managing to stay warm and dry. After a fabulous long hot summer, we seem to be in for a not so fabulous winter! So I hope you have your winter woolies and wellies at the ready!

What's new? A change to the dressage competitions!

Our Dressage Series is having December off but back again in January, with a NEW format.

The full schedule with everything explained will be out soon and available here on the website, so keep an eye out for it. But we can announce that we will be running:

New sections in Intro to help people get started in Dressage.

ONE Intro Test will be run with THREE sections:

  1. Assisted — can be led or assisted any age,

  2. Any tack,

  3. Normal BD rules.

We will be introducing a BRC Riding Test at Prelim level.

This test has marks awarded for the riders performance, (effectiveness and presentation) and the horses paces are not considered. These tests are run at Area competitions but not generally run or available elsewhere.

Hartpury qualifiers including Elementary tests!

​There will be Prelim and Novice BD tests as usual and a PYO choice of Novice or Elementary. Points will be awarded to club members and there will be a Championship show Some classes qualify for the South West dressage championships at Hartpury.

BKRC at National RC Championship at Lincoln in September

This is always a long journey for our members and their horses to make, but we are grateful to all that attend and represent the club. And we'd like to thank members again for representing us this year and for making the effort to travel to Lincoln. Both Emma Pearce with Billy and Abi Clifton with Riski were placed in the dressage, so came away with a well deserved rosette. Laura Williamson had qualified both of her 2 rides to get to Lincoln (well done!) and Lauren Ware, Kaye Popham and Jayne Harman each attended with their horses to compete in the dressage teams. A special shout out to Kaye, who did a fantastic job, when standing in to ride Marley in the team show jumping, riding in a dressage saddle, just because! And Kaye and Marley are now the photo on our main homepage.

Christmas BKRC social

Christmas is getting ever closer so it's time for a BKRC Christmas get together - Christmas Jumpers at the ready please. We are having a Christmas food and drinks at Hilary's on 15th December from 7.30pm - there is a Prize for the Best Christmas Jumper. It’s £5 pp and Partners are welcome. (more details below) for more information see below. Please do let Hilary know if you’re coming so we know how much food is needed!


Rhea is still doing a fabulous job with lessons and now has help, as Sarah Bale has joined the committee and has organised some of the pole work lessons.


Finally, a date for your diary - our AGM being held on the 27th January at Brent Knoll Village Hall starting at 7.30pm Please can our lucky winners from last year return you trophy by 20th January to any committee member. Memberships can be renewed at the AGM or online. Food is being provided and paid for by the club, but you need to bring your own drinks as none are available there. Food choices are needed by Tuesday 24th please email Hilary on

  • Chilli with rice or jacket potato

  • Jacket potato with cheese & beans

  • Pasta bake chicken and bacon or vegetable

A selection of desserts will be available.

AREA updates

For those that compete for the club at area competitions (qualifying and non-qualifying) please note that:

  1. The Hat rule changes in January 2023. The following hats are NO longer allowed at Area competitions, the PAS 015 1998 or SNELL 2001

  2. Breeches/Jodhpurs can now be blue or black for competition along with the usual cream/white ones.

Finally, we hope to see you at the Christmas social, don’t forget the jumper! The committee wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hilary BKRC Chair

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